Blue Dotted Lines

Fintech Companies

Technology Risk Management & Insurance for Fintech Companies

Fintech Companies

Fintech companies face significant challenges when assessing their risks and their exposure to things like professional liability claims, regulatory fines and penalties, IP infringement claims, and other costly litigation and regulation. Navigating this maze can be challenging, and the results are often inconclusive.

About the

Fintech is one of the fastest growing sectors of the broader technology sector.

According to Statista, the total value of Fintech investments worldwide is currently $35 billion and growing at almost 23% year over year. Fintech is also one of the most complex risk management puzzles to put together due to the overlap of financial services and technology services many of the companies provide. Our team can help.

How We Can Help

  • Reduce the risk that a cyber attack or other technology failure will negatively affect the equity value of the platform business
  • Take insurance and risk management off the plate of the Founder/CEO, who is already extremely busy
  • Find creative solutions to reduce the cost of insurance for the platform company
  • Create leverage when negotiating contracts with critical vendors and subcontractors

Popular Products/Coverage

Financial Professional Liability 

Technology Professional Liability 

Cyber Liability

Media Liability (IP Infringement Coverage)

Patent Infringement Coverage

Directors & Officers

Employment Practices Liability 

General Liability

Auto Liability

Workers' Compensation 

Key Man Life Insurance 


We were recently referred to Brush Creek to get a quote for insurance, and we were trying to meet a very short deadline. Although it should have taken much longer, Travis and his team did an absolutely outstanding job for us, and returned us a very competitive quote that met our requirements in record time. Brush Creek took the time to discuss our business, our specific needs, and also gave us some expert advice to ensure we were not paying for coverage we didn’t need. I would highly recommend Brush Creek as a full service partner for all things Risk Related.

CEO of a rapidly growing international Fintech company

Outsource your risk management.

Get a Quote

Allow us to take risk management and insurance off of your plate so you can focus on revenue generating activities.

We can review your contracts, help you build cyber security policies, manage your insurance program, and handle many other risk management functions.